May 2020

It is lovely seeing the Sunshine Coast get back to our new normal. It has been such a long few months for so many of us, especially small businesses who have had massive losses due to the lockdown. We are

Meet Lauren and her mum (aka Mumma Shirley). This daughter and mother team is no small thing, they are passionate about saving anything that could be made into clothing and given a second life! Such an incredible duo.

We are extremely excited to announce that the Alexandra Headland market is back up and running from Saturday, June 13th onwards! It will be markets as normal but with a few key preventive strategies to ensure the safety of our

When will markets be running again? When can I have a tasty jam-filled doughnut? When can a warm coffee soothe my soul while browsing locally made treasures? These are all great questions and appreciate all the enquiries we have been

Slow fashion and fast fashion are terms that are being used more and more these days. It was something that I didn’t quite understand or put much thought into when I first heard them in conversations or on social media. But

Meet Kate and Sam. This amazing, young, travelling couple came to join us at the end of last year and it has been an absolute pleasure getting to know them! Every time you pop in to see them they are